Earth Rays

Earth Rays

Geobiological interference fields

The term earth radiation or terrestrial radiation refers to all disturbances (anomalies) of the earth's magnetic field that can be perceived on the earth's surface and are caused by physical forces in the ground.

According to Wilhelm Meseck, an expert in this field, this is understood to mean all radiation from the earth's subsoil occurring vertically or at an angle upwards and the associated radiation-like phenomena.

Measurable physical effects include:

  • Increase in the electrical conductivity of soil and air
  • Conductivity of the ground waves in the short-wave range
  • Increase in the field strength of VHF waves
  • Increase in intensity of infrared radiation

Radiations that are assigned to the generic term «earth radiation» include:

  • Increase in the electrical conductivity of soil and air
  • the earth's magnetic field
  • the so-called background radiation (fast neutrons from the deep layers of the earth with different intensities)
  • Underground watercourses
  • Groundwater lakes
  • Earth faults and fissures
  • Underground caves, crevices and karsts

The effect of earth radiation is also related to weather conditions and cosmic influences, but above all to the ever-increasing technical influences (electrosmog).

Water veins

In Central Europe, we very often find earth rays in the form of water veins. The differences lie in the area of currents in the groundwater, strong underground currents and the penetration of rainwater into the ground.

A large proportion of rainwater penetrates the earth. On impermeable layers of rock (solid rock or clay), it starts to move and continues to flow as an underground watercourse. In addition, unlike an above-ground watercourse, the flow of water in a water vein is obstructed by the soil, the direction of flow is not always straight and often changes abruptly.

Strong water currents, extremely high water pressure and swirling sand crystals create an electromagnetic field at the water vein (bundling of energy), from which ionizing neutron radiation develops from the earth. As neutrons are electrically neutral, neutron radiation has a high penetrating power in matter, similar to gamma radiation. This bundled radiation is comparable to a laser beam. It rises vertically upwards indefinitely and penetrates most materials in a very straight line, so the radiation exposure remains constant and has a very strong effect on humans, animals and plants. This usually results in damage to health.


Faults are vertical or horizontal displacements of rock layers. The faults are caused by volcanic activity or ice glaciers that have moved huge amounts of earth. Earthquakes can also lead to fissures and cracks in the ground. As a result, layers of different magnetization come into contact with each other, which leads to changes in the earth's magnetic field that can be detected radiesthetically. The deeper the fault is, the stronger the earth energies are, which are bundled up to the earth's surface.

The different ground grids

In addition to the geologically determined earth energies, there are also a large number of grid systems with specific alignment variations and mesh sizes. It is highly probable that they originate in the cosmos or in the high atmosphere.
The grid systems are not yet directly detectable using technical measurement methods. However, biological changes caused by grid systems can be detected at intersections and in places with several energy zones.

Hartmann grid (global grid)

With a mesh size of 2.5 x 2.0 m (in our latitudes), the Hartmann grid is the smallest system in the main cardinal directions (north-south / east-west). It was first discovered, researched and named after Dr. Ernst Hartmann (1915 - 1992) in the middle of the last century. He worked as a doctor in Eberbach/Neckar and summarized the quintessence of his research in his standard work «Krankheit als Standortproblem» and in the two books «Über Konstitutionen YIN YANG und Reaktionstypen».

Benker grid (Benker cube system)

Within the Hartmann grid there is another energy system with a mesh size of 10 x 10 m, which is also called the Benker grid after its discoverer Anton Benker. Anton Benker (1895 - 1983) was a dowser and discovered the three-dimensional grid in 1953.

The Benker cube system can be imagined as a cuboid with a side length of 10 x 10 x 10 meters. The cubes are alternately charged plus and minus. A prolonged stay (workplace, sleeping area) in a minus zone can cause physical disturbances.

Curry net (diagonal grid)

The Curry net runs in the intermediate cardinal points and is named after Dr. Manfred Curry (1899 - 1953), who made it famous. It was discovered in the middle of the last century by Siegfried Wittmann.

The Curry grid runs diagonally to the global grid (Hartmann grid). The grid lines are approximately 3.5 x 3.5 m apart and have a strip width of approx. 60 cm. The Curry grid covers the entire earth, but lies at a 45° angle to the global grid.

The intensity of its strength varies, as external influences play an enormous role (moon phases). At full moon, a crossing point of the Curry grid has almost twice as strong an effect as a crossing point of the Hartmann grid. Both grids, Curry and Hartmann, have a strong influence on the Earth's magnetism and the Earth's magnetic field lines.

The Curry net has increased negative effects when it crosses a water vein.
It also has a two-thirds weaker influence during the day than at night. It can therefore very often lead to sleep disorders. An examination of the sleeping area is urgently recommended because such an occurrence can lead to serious illnesses.

In addition to the various earth grids, there are other subtle energy influences that have their origin in the earth, e.g. geomantic zones or ley lines.

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Earth Rays