Association Light Net Saint Germain

Light Net Association

In August 2001, the members of the «Light net St. Germain» association got the channelled message to set up a light network. Exact details were given as to how this work should look in accordance with the laws of Creation (sacred geometry). By means of irradiation points for light energy, which all network starting from a central point (Bichwil/Eastern Switzerland), a full-area light field is supposed to be formed over time.

The members remembered earlier messages where it was said, among other things, that what happens on Earth is largely dependent on us humans, since the free will of man is respected by the higher spheres. So they joyfully accepted the challenge and immediately set to work.

By the application of the laws of Creation it is possible to invigorate 10 km2 with only one energetical flower of light (consisting of one light point and eight outer points).

In the meantime, a considerable lighting network has been created, which extends across Switzerland and long stretches of neighbouring countries. This light network is still expanding.

The more members support this work, the more light points can be set. New members, whether active or patrons, are very welcome to support this light project.

More information on (German).

Light Net Association