Location Map

Location Map
Location Map

How to get to us:

Arrival via motorway

  • Autobahn exit No. 78 "Uzwil/Oberbüren", head towards Uzwil;
  • keep straight on (through 3 roundabouts) until you pass under the railway bridge
  • at the 4th roundabout (yellow ball) turn left towards «Bichwil»
  • on to the next crossing, and go past this
  • on up the road, to where it levels out (Bichwil) and keep straight on
  • after the «30 speed» zone, the yellow brick house on the right side (from the Uzwil Autobahn exit up to infoRAma, the distance is about 4 km)

Coming via Toggenburg:

  • From Wattwil, take the main road to Dietfurt, Bütschwil, Lütisburg-Station
  • turn right after the wooden bridge, and go through Lütisburg
  • in Unterrindal, turn left to Jonschwil
  • straight on at the roundabout
  • at "Bettenauer-Weiher", turn right at the stop sign, towards Oberuzwil
  • in Oberuzwil turn right at the «Citroën garage», towards Bichwil
  • on up the road, to where it levels out (Bichwil) and keep straight on
  • after the «30 speed» zone, the yellow brick house on the right side

Coming via public transport:

  • Uzwil rail station
  • then take the Postauto «Bichwil» as far as the terminus (leaves hourly, at 35 minutes past the hour)
SBB timetable
Here you can find us on Google Maps